Presented at International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2017
Collaborator: Merck, Hôpital de Poissy, IRDES, Ligue Française contre la Sclérose en Plaques
Authors: Van Hille B, Heinzlef O, Dourgnon P, Molinier G, Chekroun M, Longin J
The objectives of this study were to assess the out of pocket for MS patients and to measure the impact of MS on the patient quality of life. This survey presents the perception by patients with MS and their relatives of the indirect costs of the disease. The results indicate that, although MS is a long-term condition supported by health insurance, this pathology generates significant indirect costs for patients and their relatives every month. MS also has an impact on the daily lives of patients and caregivers, which involves indirect costs.